Monday, June 16, 2014

Check-In Day

A Little Late, but Here It Is!

Soooo, I know that it's been about a month that I've been here, but its just been so busy!  I've decided to write today about how the first couple days go as you arrive on the program.  

I only had a day to pack between my move from college down to here to Florida, so that was a little hectic.  A lot of us arrived the night or two before and stayed in the Holiday Inn across from Vista Way.  That's where I met my roommate Alexis; she picked me up from the airport and we kind of just went on an adventure to find Vista Way!  Alexis' mom rented a car since they're from Arizona so we didn't have to drag our luggage around Vista Way.  

When you get to Vista, you kind of just line up with everyone else that is there.  It's very awkward if you aren't too outgoing SO BEWARE.  Once in line, you get your Disney College Program Guide Book.  It has everything in it from Complex Layouts to the Point System Rules.  Next, you get your Housing ID picture taken and get your first official Disney ID!  

It's pretty much one giant line the first couple hours.  They spit you up into groups and give you your housing keys, apartment numbers and talk to you a little about the Disney Look (or at least for our group).  You also get a time to go take the drug test if you are in certain roles, such as attractions!  

You're then hop on a bus to go to Casting.  This is where we did all of our paperwork and got our assignments for work!  

Pretty boring post, but its still a post!  Here are some random pictures from the last month!

Till Next Time: 

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